How To Clear Up Negative Energy Before Magic Work?

Negative energy can have a significant impact on your magical workings. It can block your intentions, create obstacles, and even attract unwanted outcomes. Before delving into any magical practice, it is essential to clear up negative energy to ensure a successful and effective outcome. Here are some ways to clear up negative energy before engaging in magic work.


One of the most popular and effective ways to clear up negative energy is through smudging. Smudging involves burning herbs such as sage, cedar, or palo santo and allowing the smoke to cleanse the space. Simply light the herb bundle, let it smolder, and walk around your space, allowing the smoke to reach every corner. As you do so, focus on releasing any negative energy and setting positive intentions.

Crystal Cleansing

Crystals are powerful tools for absorbing and transmuting negative energy. To cleanse your crystals before magic work, you can place them under running water, bury them in the earth, or leave them in the light of the full moon. Alternatively, you can also use other crystals such as clear quartz or selenite to cleanse your crystals by placing them on a bed of these cleansing stones for a few hours.


Meditation is another effective way to clear up negative energy before engaging in magic work. By taking a few moments to center yourself and quiet your mind, you can release any negative thoughts or emotions that may be lingering. Focus on your breath, visualize a white light surrounding and protecting you, and let go of any negativity that no longer serves you.

Salt Bath

A salt bath is a simple yet powerful way to cleanse your energy before magical work. Add a cup of sea salt or Himalayan salt to your bathwater and soak for at least 20 minutes. As you relax in the saltwater, envision any negative energy being drawn out of your body and into the water, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Sound Cleansing

Sound has the power to cleanse and purify energy. You can use tools such as singing bowls, bells, or chimes to clear up negative energy before magic work. Simply ring the sound tool in each corner of your space, focusing on the vibrations clearing away any negativity and restoring balance and harmony.

In conclusion, clearing up negative energy before engaging in magic work is essential for ensuring a successful and effective outcome. By incorporating practices such as smudging, crystal cleansing, meditation, salt baths, and sound cleansing into your routine, you can create a sacred and harmonious space for your magical workings. Remember to set positive intentions and trust in the power of your own energy to manifest your desires.

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