U ETS to get a boost, further reforms needed
The European Union’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is set to change radically from next week as the EU will start to “backload”, or delay, many of its auctions of carbon permits. This has already given a huge vote of confidence to carbon markets but it will only have a temporary impact. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the EU should implement further reforms that would provide investors with long-term confidence.2 MARCH 2014
India on course to meet 2017 solar capacity target
India’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy unveiled in September 2013 plans for expanding solar capacity to 10,000 megawatts by 2017. The Solar Energy Corporation (SECI), a Government of India company, has already signed for a 4,000 MW solar PV park in Rajasthan and will set up a 1,000 megawatts solar PV park on a 5000-acre site in Andhra Pradesh, writes Hindu Business Line. With other initiatives, India is on course to its 2017 target.1 MARCH 2014
EU supports Pacific states to tackle climate change
The EU provides Pacific island countries with EUR35.5 million (USD49 million) for the region’s Adapting to Climate Change and Sustainable Energy program, according to a deal signed this week. The program will help the fifteen Pacific countries to address three main challenges common to all of them: adapting to climate change; reducing their reliance on fossil fuels; and capacity building. For implementation, the EU will cooperate with several organizations.27 FEBRUARY 2014
National climate laws create basis for global deal
A new study sets out a series of politically significant findings that will have a direct bearing on success of the international negotiations. Legislators will also consider how national laws can be recognized within a 2015 international climate change agreement. A new major international initiative will help national legislators to develop and implement climate change laws.26 FEBRUARY 2014
EU plan to cut supply of carbon permits into law
A plan to prop up EU carbon prices was published in the official journal of the European Union on Wednesday, enacting into law the so-called backloading measure, writes Reuters. It involves cutting the supply of permits to be sold under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme in an effort to incentivize more investment in low carbon technologies. Exchanges must give at least two weeks notice of any change to their auction calendar.26 FEBRUARY 2014
Reaching cost-effectively high shares of wind, solar
Deployment of wind power and solar PV technologies is expanding rapidly. However, the inherent variability of these technologies is raising concerns. A new IEA study confirms that integrating high shares of wind and solar PV in power systems can come at little additional cost in the long term. However, costs depend on how flexible the system currently is and what strategy is adopted to develop system flexibility over the long term.24 FEBRUARY 2014
Micro-grids’ contribution to rural electrification
A new study evaluates the contribution of micro-grids to electrification in developing countries. The study, released by the UN Foundation, examined a range of micro-grid applications in rural communities in India, Malaysian Borneo, and Haiti where the challenges and successes of each developer were assessed. The study makes an important contribution to developing best practices across the micro-grids sector and addressing energy access issues globally.22 FEBRUARY 2014
Green Climate Fund takes key steps forward
During this week’s three-day meeting in Indonesia, the Board of the Green Climate Fund agreed on several key decisions that will shape the Fund’s work streams and activities as it moves forward. For instance, the Fund will aim for a 50:50 balance between mitigation and adaptation over time. It will also aim for a floor of 50 percent of the adaptation allocation for particularly vulnerable countries, including Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States and African states.21 FEBRUARY 2014
Assessing EU cost-effective energy technology mix
A new energy system model of European Joint Research Centre (JRC) assesses EU’s most cost-effective technology mix that allows the EU and national climate and energy targets to be met. The model is used to assess the role of energy technologies in meeting such as a 40 percent reduction of greenhouse gases by 2030. The results indicate that innovative energy technologies play an important role in reducing the carbon intensity of the energy system.20 FEBRUARY 2014
India, Argentina to cooperate in renewable energy
India and Argentina have agreed to enhance cooperation in the field of renewable energy, according to the Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. India – that plans to add over 30 gigawatts of renewable energy to its energy mix in the next five years – aims to offer all possible assistance to the development of the renewable energy capacity of Argentinian officials and regulators. Collaboration in biofuel sector was also discussed.19 FEBRUARY 2014
Global investments in smart grids rose in 2013
Global investments in smart grids rose last year almost 5 percent to USD14.9 billion, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). China spent more on smart grids than the U.S. for the first time in 2013, with the USD4.3 billion – accounting for almost a third of the world’s total. North American investment declined as much as 33 percent to USD3.6 billion. Asian and European markets will drive growth through 2020.18 FEBRUARY 2014
Transforming U.S. energy to wholly renewables
A new roadmap for transforming the United States from dependence on fossil fuels to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050 has been unveiled by a Stanford scientist. The plan provides each of the fifty states a first step toward a renewable future. Included online interactive map provides, for example, wind turbines and solar panels to be needed to power each state, land area required, the cost and cost savings, jobs to be created, and how much pollution-related mortality and global-warming emissions would be avoided.17 FEBRUARY 2014
Australia to review its renewable energy target
Australia will review its mandatory renewable energy target (RET) to get 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources in 2020, writes Reuters. The review will consider the contribution of the target in reducing emissions, its impact on electricity prices and energy markets, as well as its costs and benefits for the renewable energy sector, the manufacturing sector and Australian households. The review report will be presented to the government by mid-year.15 FEBRUARY 2014
World largest CSP plant shines in Mohave Desert
The Ivanpah 392-megawatt concentrated solar power (CSP) plant that opened this week in the Mojave Desert in California is the largest facility of its kind in the world. The plant can produce enough renewable electricity to power nearly 100,000 homes. Ivanpah is one of five CSP projects that received loan guarantees from the Energy Department (DOE), and when these projects are completed, they will provide a combined 1.26 gigawatts of electric capacity.15 FEBRUARY 2014
U.S., China agree to work on climate change
China and the United States pledged on Saturday to work together to attenuate the effects of global climate change, writes Reuters. The countries will collaborate through enhanced policy dialogue, including the sharing of information regarding their plans to limit greenhouse gas emissions. The cooperation would help to set an example for global leadership and global seriousness on the issue of next year’s climate negotiations.OPTIONS AND HELP
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