How To Clear Energy Through Dowsing?


Energy clearing is a practice that has been used for centuries to remove negative or stagnant energy from a space or person. One popular method of energy clearing is through dowsing, a technique that involves using a pendulum or dowsing rods to detect and clear energy blockages.

What is Dowsing?

Dowsing is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to locate water, minerals, and energy. It involves using a pendulum or dowsing rods to detect energy vibrations and locate energy blockages. Dowsing is believed to work by tapping into the body’s energy field and the energy of the earth.

How to Clear Energy Through Dowsing

Here are some steps to follow to clear energy through dowsing:

1. Choose Your Dowsing Tool

There are several tools you can use for dowsing, including a pendulum, dowsing rods, or a crystal. Choose the tool that resonates with you the most and feels comfortable to use.

2. Set Your Intention

Before you begin dowsing, set your intention to clear any negative or stagnant energy from the space or person. Visualize the energy being released and replaced with positive and healing energy.

3. Start Dowsing

Hold your dowsing tool in your dominant hand and begin by asking it to show you where the energy blockages are located. Allow the tool to guide you to the areas that need clearing.

4. Clear the Energy

Once you have located the energy blockages, use your dowsing tool to clear the energy. You can do this by swinging the pendulum in a counterclockwise motion or by walking around the space with the dowsing rods, focusing on clearing the energy as you go.

5. Ground and Protect Yourself

After you have cleared the energy, it is important to ground and protect yourself. You can do this by visualizing roots extending from your feet into the earth and setting up a protective energy shield around yourself.


Dowsing is a powerful tool for clearing energy blockages and creating a harmonious and balanced environment. By following these steps, you can effectively clear negative or stagnant energy from a space or person and promote healing and well-being.

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